"The Elder One | Now with colour... Not a perfect match but close enough... -Terrie [Who's talking & Grim [Who made this sprite for me]

"The Elder One | Now with colour... Not a perfect match but close enough... -Terrie [Who's talking & Grim [Who made this sprite for me]

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Description: Credit: Grim | User: Terrie | Changed by: ??? | Name: "The Elder One" | Species: Boss Dark Latex | Height: Unknown, but guessed to be at least 20 feet tall - Wing span: Unknown [It might be shown in game but i dunno...] - HP, DEF, ATK are all also unknown

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
VIEWS: 133
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: [Repost] ( Oh, I noticed I finished and didn't post it.. well Ill post it now. Is Terrie- yeah they are here. )

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AI Painting Generator