What I can tell you though that isn't okay is hiding your emotions, bottling your emotions up can hurt. It can really hurt, and it's not healthy. Once that bottle breaks, it'll be messy. That's why it's okay to vent, and not to just us, but to anyone you trust. Don't be afraid to let others know how you feel.

What I can tell you though that isn't okay is hiding your emotions, bottling your emotions up can hurt. It can really hurt, and it's not healthy. Once that bottle breaks, it'll be messy. That's why it's okay to vent, and not to just us, but to anyone you trust. Don't be afraid to let others know how you feel.

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Description: Scott Pilgrim Styled sprite created by Lexi/Lexipation (ID: 8de716) and used with permission; whilst not everyone she made is on this current canvas, please go check out the rest of the sprites she made in this style! https://pixelartmaker.com/art/2a64bcbe1fd2fcd Using the main sprite Lexi made, I wanna try to make more of a sprite sheet, been wanting to make a sprite sheet for Orinik actually lol-- -Sal

CREATOR ID: 777455
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: god i love making art i'm proud of

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator