Hey guys just wanna say it was me Ro(Ik this is not my sprite(Well i did edit it))i was that Purple Guy(Not fnaf)(The one doing the OWO) Yeah i don't wanna use this for purple anybody got a good sprite i can edit(I'm fine if its not a skele)

Hey guys just wanna say it was me Ro(Ik this is not my sprite(Well i did edit it))i was that Purple Guy(Not fnaf)(The one doing the OWO) Yeah i don't wanna use this for purple anybody got a good sprite i can edit(I'm fine if its not a skele)

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Description: Made by MLGAllan65 Edit by ro

CREATOR ID: 5ed8ec
VIEWS: 277
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Purple Paprus

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator