darnit, I have to restart the computer

darnit, I have to restart the computer

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Description: Friendly: https://youtu.be/qmsZwyPpcFc Friendly Alternative: https://youtu.be/Q3CJ0tUevxQ Phase 1: https://youtu.be/vV2cJcpqVHg Phase 2: https://youtu.be/Ssixb0g3hog Phase 3: https://youtu.be/avcS0aYJ2a8 Phase 4: https://youtu.be/Ay3XRGGpDS8 Phase 5: https://youtu.be/JKp2V0UMffY Corrupt: https://youtu.be/1NbQFGnQaCE Crimson Overload: https://youtu.be/8oVUDA7WmAQ Name: ??? | Attack: Varies | Defense: 50 | HP: 100 | Emotions: Barely any was created and programmed to assist in space travel, and help build new rockets. Out of all of his fellow robots on the space station, he is top priority and is called for many trips. Credit to Gunther for making the cracked screen angle. Credit to Chaotic for the Musical Screen.

CREATOR ID: 5101cd
VIEWS: 142
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Ill try

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