"Arleen & Touphanie | "Girls night out"... I guess?... Really with what's left just being I guess more battle type poses for Arleen, I'm honestly down... The DESC, being as simple as it needs to be...

"Arleen & Touphanie | "Girls night out"... I guess?... Really with what's left just being I guess more battle type poses for Arleen, I'm honestly down... The DESC, being as simple as it needs to be...

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Description: -Terrie | Name: Arleen - Sex: Female - Age: 20 - Has a younger brother... She's more than able to fight using magic swords and shields | Name: Touphanie - Sex: Female - Age: 36 - A more human sized female dragon... Unable to fly but more than able to burn shit down...

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Also, no. Salt... I'm going with the existing names... And it's VERY obvious they are both female...

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