*i...well...i work for a company...i bounty hunt for them and hey....its the company that gives everything power to PAM....i get the souls they need and they use it to power everyhting....i called he city pam central cuase its where i get most of my bountys....a soul is something tha gives a person personalitie there passion ambission....many things....-rainbowfox2011

*i...well...i work for a company...i bounty hunt for them and hey....its the company that gives everything power to PAM....i get the souls they need and they use it to power  everyhting....i called he city pam central cuase its where i get most of my bountys....a soul is something tha gives a person personalitie there passion ambission....many things....-rainbowfox2011

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Description: rainbow the fox~soul:rainbow/soul parts:kindess justice integrity paitence bravery determination persaverince kindness fear hate/AU:pixelart!tale

CREATOR ID: 401102
VIEWS: 100
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *uhhh B R U H i made that up in like 20 seconds it was the first thing that came to my mind-rainbowfox2011

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