now is sweating so much a puddle was created) uh uh uh uh.... you know... its fine.... c-can w-w-we stop t-t-talking about-t-t him please? i-its really-y m-m-making me s-sweat!

now is sweating so much a puddle was created) uh uh uh uh.... you know... its fine.... c-can w-w-we stop t-t-talking about-t-t  him please? i-its really-y m-m-making me s-sweat!

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Description: It's not the best but, it helps in a way

CREATOR ID: fc6325
VIEWS: 146
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: sweats even more that he said austin) uh uh uh!!! i-it doesnt-t real-ly matter hehe hehe heh

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