Aight I'm gonna go home because I'm tired as fuck see yall later.

Aight I'm gonna go home because I'm tired as fuck see yall later.

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Description: - lss Info for a PAM Au I made for fun two days ago MPA, or MakePixelArt, is an alternate reality PAM au where there exists a Russian bootleg of PixelArtMaker. All the users from PAM translate to MPA but have changed, personalities names, and even more arcs. Set 5 Genoxity (Geno) - Works as Jam's music director and is the main reason Jam (Traffic) got popular in the first place. From Ther-On (Theron) - Unlike PAM, he's an extremely active user and gets in trouble for ERPing alot. Though, he care about being yelled at. He actually enjoys the yelling and sits back to watch. Riba (Eku) - A notorious vandal and sexual offender in MPA and considered even more dangerous than Clone himself. Oreo - Same name except- despises Grayscale (RBF) with a passion and wishes to do nothing than to get rid of him. Genuinely liked by the community. GoodGame (Glam/GG) - She views Transpiration as a friend even though she damn well knows that Transpiration doesn’t view the same, so Transpiration (Plant) gets bothered and pissed off alot by her due to this. Trepidation (Firework/Danger) - So yeah uh MPA Danger is an anxiety maniac. Look I’m sorry, man. Uhmmmm- Trepidation is constantly aware that the end is coming and the community calls him crazy. Other than that, the community likes him for his behavior. Abyss (Anau) - Anau plays a huge part in this story. Abyss, or MPA Anau, is well..he works to destroy PAM and all of its users. He is hated by the entirety of PAM but praised by the entirety of MPA for his curiosity and bravery.

CREATOR ID: 2227f8
AGE: 2 years old

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