Why aren't there any women on this mission? Is your suit white because you're racist? Why did you say "Mankind?" Are there any transgender bathrooms on the lunar module?

Why aren't there any women on this mission? Is your suit white because you're racist? Why did you say "Mankind?" Are there any transgender bathrooms on the lunar module?

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Description: Made by Anau, STOLEN!!! and edited by Cyanarim. Originally a Birthday Gift, given a body. Voruso Chandellium: a brother's last resort. Formerly a Colorverse character, Voruso was one of the first creations ever by the creator of the property, outdating even those created by Cyanarim on PAM, connecting his usage between creation and the colorverse was equated to 600-700 in-Universe years of Solitude. in that time he became the most Powerful character in the Colorverse series. Colorverse's rebranding to Kyubai Korin: Gendai ni okeru kodaibito (Ninefold Advent: Ancients in the Modern times.) had voided any long period of time as it takes place in the 23rd century. and Voruso had been replaced by a Tsukumogami named Taikogami, who is significantly less powerful. Voruso now has his own individual association as a Taiko no Tatsujin OC, a PAM God level Character, and a Character in the Lenobot Bounties: Mutation Rampage. Involved in the slaughter from the Leerleeches, Voruso had only wires and his motherboard left intact, nearby was a drum kept as a family heirloom of which the destroyed robotic brother of B5 slowly escaped to while B5 went months in hatred. Unfortunately for him, the breakaway from his parents signaled him as a Lenobot to the West's systems. In PAM: He's a Cyassociate that goes from Celheaven's Realm to PAM and the Inverted, regardless of the state of any of the three realms

CREATOR ID: 5b2f3e
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Voruso desced

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