I mean you cant talk-

I mean you cant talk-

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Description: -Parker (My oc || She/her) “*I won't hesitate to throw you into the darkest depths of the Undertale Fandom, because I can.” Info: She is a Multiverse traveler who built a traveling device by accident while just playing with pieces of an old phone. She can configure matter to make weapons with her own energy; the more matter the more energy used. Her soul color is cyan, the soul color of Patience. She wears a mask to prevent getting her identity revealed if someone where to follow her back to her universe. (The mask is referenced of of Nec But Animator on YT) Stats: Her LV is 12, and no she's not a relentless killer. That's just from self defense. She does a decent attack, though it takes her a few blows to kill an average human. Her defense is very high. She can tank 2 whole gaster blasters without dying. (I like Undertale and shit. Just using it as a reference to her strength. I don't want to make her too overpowered or fights would be unfair.)

CREATOR ID: 0e9671
AGE: 1 year old

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