So I'm finally getting back to KS's DSaF sprite, and I realized from the ref pic I'm using that the original sprite doesn't have symmetry in the chest. Thankfully, KS doesn't want a direct copy, he wants a similar art style, so I'm going to give it symmetry.

So I'm finally getting back to KS's DSaF sprite, and I realized from the ref pic I'm using that the original sprite doesn't have symmetry in the chest. Thankfully, KS doesn't want a direct copy, he wants a similar art style, so I'm going to give it symmetry.

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Description: For King Squid

CREATOR ID: 249345
VIEWS: 429
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: So I'm finally getting back to KS's DSaF sprite, and I realized from the ref pic I'm using that the original sprite doesn't have symmetry in the chest. Thankfully, KS doesn't want a direct copy, he wants a similar art style, so I'm going to give it symmetry.

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator