i will give him the benefit of the doubt if he somehow manages to prove me wrong

i will give him the benefit of the doubt if he somehow manages to prove me wrong

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Description: People or Characters in the Mega Man Style --- Made and Used by Lexi |Lexi "Float Girl" - Can literally throw hands and her legs and her head, as well as being able to float her body pieces around to dodge and move| |Nat "Block Girl" - Attacks using her big block hands and extendable arms, and can slam the ground to cause earthquakes and make blocky pillars| |Plant "Pea Man" - He can shoot various attacks from his cannon like pea pellets, explosive bombs, fire bursts and freeze rays, and he can also slam with his head| |(LEXI OC) Envy "Sound Girl" - Using the power of music, she is able to move around quickly as well as shoot bursts of sound to attack| |(LEXI OC) Apple "Pyro Man" - He can shoot various types and sizes of fire blasts, and his flames are able to stay on the ground for a short while|

CREATOR ID: 8de716
AGE: 1 year old

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AI Painting Generator