God damn it, for the love of Satan, himself can someone fucking tell me and Chris, what the actual fucking hell, "The Hunger", is already? Like god damn you people are persistent and all over it but won`t fucking explain it...

God damn it, for the love of Satan, himself can someone fucking tell me and Chris, what the actual fucking hell, "The Hunger", is already? Like god damn you people are persistent and all over it but won`t fucking explain it...

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Description: -Terrie | Redrew: https://www.pixilart.com/art/ralsei-says-delet-dis-48b6b50149da291 [Mc fuckin' delete dis] & https://www.deviantart.com/p0ngy/art/Meme-Kingpin-Sans-835135315

CREATOR ID: 95be89
VIEWS: 141
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Ralsei: Delete this | I`ve about Mc Fucking Had it, with people spoiling my god damn redrawings... -Terrie

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