DangerTale Chara

DangerTale Chara

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Description: Now Chara in dangertale does not have the role of chara. but is still chara. but changed. She still doesn't feel but she's been around since the first time Danger Sans was Killer Sans in Killertale. Overtime she grew quite desperate to getting out of the crisis she was in with sans. and soon DangerTale chara and Sans had a nice relationship. and Chara is Sans partner. This fits with the "all aus" thingy and represents the XTale and KillerTale in the mixture. Chara became less of herself than who she was back then. Chara isn't useless. she helps in the background. Yeah this is not expected.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 298
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: SlienceTale Frisk and Chara

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator