i only have 15 phases......but......the more you lower it......the damage i can do to ya....because....i have armour penatration by the 4th...i would prefure it sooner but.......thats just how phases work....heheh........*sumons an infinate blood pool nearby so he can use alot of magic[it's also tied to him so it only breaks when he dies]*i may be limited out of hell but i have a good fealing...i can stop you using that...all i have to worry about is hp...of mine-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:INF

i only have 15 phases......but......the more you lower it......the damage i can do to ya....because....i have armour penatration by the 4th...i would prefure it sooner but.......thats just how phases work....heheh........*sumons an infinate blood pool nearby so he can use alot of magic[it's also tied to him so it only breaks when he dies]*i may be limited out of hell but i have a good fealing...i can stop you using that...all i have to worry about is hp...of mine-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:INF

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Description: Unamed AU:does he even have one? hp:??? DEF:200,000,000 ATCK:??? a blood demon that pritty kind acturly

CREATOR ID: a96a9d
VIEWS: 117
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: (hello everyone i'm back)*is in his shop waiting*-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:10,000,000

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