also funny thing is that the desc post that i wanted to do goes off of the word limit pam has

also funny thing is that the desc post that i wanted to do goes off of the word limit pam has

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Description: - Drone: ( a bit of context was that for some reason i typed this out first and then somehow lost it but this is an alt version of what i was gonna say and it might go more in depth)anyways ima now say what i was gonna say, the reason why im pissed is due to the whole portion of degenerates on pam and how they do not know when to cool down or even stop, they always take their "jokes" sometimes a bit too far and the jokes in itself are verry annoying and i've said this many times, I get that its not my cup of tea and that i should ignore it, yet the people who make those jokes usually make some boarderline nsfw sprites to accompany the joke sometimes and i dont really like to block people as well and sometimes the person in itself is cool but they just have a horrid sense of humor, and for the person who's probably gonna say " just leave pam" there are actual chill people that i like on pam and the degenerates are only a portion, and i would also like to state how the jokes have gotten many people uncomfortable and in my case its just been annoying and some have actually not been going on pam more than usual cause of this degeneracy and i just wanted to address this

CREATOR ID: a7c838
AGE: 1 year old

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