H1 k1d$$!11!1 theres nothing better than being hugged by some1 u like. ut if some1 trys to touch u in a spot or place u dont like, DaT$ n0 gO0d!!111! first, u get out of there!!111! then tell an adult like a the police a parent BUT NOT UR UNCLE -sonic sez

H1 k1d$$!11!1 theres nothing better than being hugged by some1 u like. ut if some1 trys to touch u in a spot or place u dont like, DaT$ n0 gO0d!!111! first, u get out of there!!111! then tell an adult  like a the police a parent BUT NOT UR UNCLE  -sonic sez

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Description: Sonic

CREATOR ID: 9f0de4
VIEWS: 204
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Sonic 2 Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator