Ok i think that was all of them, turns out it was way easier then anticipated to fix the future but its very tiring and i have calmed down...

Ok i think that was all of them, turns out it was way easier then anticipated to fix the future but its very tiring and i have calmed down...

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Description: List of things to make: Make LITERAL REVERTSWAP (Revertswap but it's literally Underswap Sans as Sans Undertale), Make a new version of yourself in real life, make not trust papyra AND MAKE ALL THE SPRITES FOR UNDERTALE: DISROTTEN. Currently making: The remastered version of The Alternate Universes Of Pixel Art Makers.

CREATOR ID: aea8b5
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: WHATEVER! Karma you will be given "HOMELESS" rank meaning you may or may not keep your job but even then you will get no cash and be basically dead on the street and the only way to get money is praying or some shit I AM DONE WITH YOU! I NOW HAVE TO GO AND FIX THE FUTURE YOU CUNT!

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator