Ok so fucker listen here, I dont give a shit who you are, I dont give a shit about what you have done before this, I dont give a shit who you love or like, I want you to fucking end your life right here and now, I dont care, end it or send yourself to the coppers, cuz you are just fucked up.

Ok so fucker listen here, I dont give a shit who you are, I dont give a shit about what you have done before this, I dont give a shit who you love or like, I want you to fucking end your life right here and now, I dont care, end it or send yourself to the coppers, cuz you are just fucked up.

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Description: Mona Henry: Joey: Ink Bendy: Sammy Lawrence: Jack Fain: "Buddy" Boris/Daniel Lewek: Alice "Susie Campbell" Angel": Norman Polk: Fisher: Striker: Piper: Bertram Piedmont: Allison "Pendle Conor" angel: Tom "Thomas Conor": Batim sprites Norman Polk made with help of Dst Brute Boris made with help of Dst

CREATOR ID: 97ede9
VIEWS: 116
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: fghhdf

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator