777455 It should be okay though... Just as long as we're all careful.. Maybe some of us can be in a group and others can go alone..? Hey- we can make a plan to meet back here at a certain time--
6deabb ...kirby like... being in group
777455 I still don't trust either of you alo---
777455 . . . Besides, maybe we could find things better alone.
0aff40 I like exploring things alone i do it a lot -Marker
777455 You keep wandering off, I don't trust you
6deabb ye
777455 Do we--- have to still stick together as a group--?
777455 Oh- sure-- what is it?
0aff40 Huh -Marker
777455 *Taranza came back out and went by them.* Well-- now that we're back here-- mind if I ask something-?
6deabb o
777455 I mostly just mean that back then when I came to the Nexus with others, they already had an effect that brought them back here, so there was no need to test anything like that
6deabb what... uri talk... about?
777455 Hello!
777455 Yeah- never really had to try it before so I kinda never... really knew about it not working before heh-
0aff40 hello ado and ribbon -Marker
777455 *Adeleine and Ribbon came out as well* Guess now we know that doesn't work.. Oh well-
0aff40 Huh. Oh hello Kirby -Marker
777455 Welcome back Pinky
6deabb bros a nerd
6deabb *he came out of his room* hi... marker... and uri
777455 when bro can't sleep
6deabb *it'd take a bit for magolor to reappear in the beginning*
777455 I... sort of wasn't really expecting anyone to find an instrument there actually, since sometimes it's weird like that, but you did find a really useful effect for when you get trapped
0aff40 Yeah i was expecting to get an Instrument effect from the music world (fix) -Marker
0aff40 Yeah i was expecting to get an Instrument effect from the music room-Marker
777455 *Just to quickly go through it, Adeleine, Ribbon, and Taranza all woke up for a moment then went back to sleep, re-entering into the Nexus to go back to the beginning, their doors in the main Nexus would disappear for a moment then reappear.*
6deabb *kirby woke up
6deabb *he just kind of woke up and despawned*
777455 Guess so-
777455 *She appeared back in the beginning and looked at Marker* Hi, so it seems you found your little respawn effect
6deabb ...wake up time....
0aff40 *marker was sitting on the ground* -Marker
6deabb really now?
777455 It didn't work--
777455 *She then used her eye bomb effect, went by them and kind of tried her best to grab some of their hands, via with her arms n such (lol-). She then made the fuse go down and the bomb exploded. Causing her to go back to the beginning........ though it didn't work for the rest of them.*
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