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57dac4 Multi! MultiVerse
57dac4 Madness! MultiVerse
57dac4 Delete! MultiVerse
57dac4 MultiVerse
59c864 Cross/X-Sans (Added X-Event Version)
b63bdb Spinverse remake
b63bdb Sanity 404 remake
c7b058 Multi-Versal Madness (you can only see two eyes but never his body if you see his entire body.. he WILL kill you
b63bdb Swapverse Remake
b63bdb Deletion 404 remake (description fix)
c7b058 MULTI-Versal: Caftar
c7b058 Multi-Versal Terror
b63bdb Deletion 404 remake
59c864 Cross/X-Sans (Sheet)
57dac4 SwapVerse Terror
8089da fixed dull colouring
8089da Reworked
59c864 InsanityTerror Or TerrorInsanity (Regular And Hard Mode)
57dac4 fun-e
57dac4 DustTale: Glacial Asperity
57dac4 a fix
57dac4 the phase 2 of the trio
888202 horror papyrus and an unfinished terrorbeleif
57dac4 Current Canon! Deleted Madness 404 and Deleted Hysteria 404 (Possible Canon? Xal! Madness)
57dac4 Delete 404
57dac4 dunno what to call this trio yet, to help with the name, their connection/ common thingy is immorality
888202 improved papapap
57dac4 fix
57dac4 what do you guys think of this InsanityKiller take?
57dac4 InsanityKiller/UnderTale: Spiralling Delirium V2
57dac4 InsanityKiller/UnderTale: Spiralling Delirium
57dac4 Insanity Sans
57dac4 TerrorTale - Papyrus
57dac4 TerrorTale - Papyrus
57dac4 Red Megalovania
57dac4 The Skelebros (Helix helped with the Papaya)
57dac4 FRANK!
57dac4 DustDust
57dac4 lil update on the hood
57dac4 should'a knew you were gunna take it the wrong way -_-
57dac4 Dust Sans