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891056 "I tried to copy B5's dresscode but failed on the shorts she wears, so you can't see the fact I wear PANTS"
43dbad Ahah! I knew it.
995655 ...
450a4c goodie
18f118 Because I'm gay
d052fd The single time I dont have the need to be a perfectionist made the result of this red thing.
43dbad im pretty sure thats a see through dress mint
995655 ...
43dbad because...?
891056 "Hahaha! What am I wearing."
84c4f3 *stands up and walks to a restaurant*
450a4c how is everyone
995655 (red eye glows)
8b454d Do you remember me?
0a6b4e K- anywho I must change classes brb, MAYBE. Or I'll be gone.
18f118 Nah, I just look like this just because.
995655 im perfectly fiinnne
7eb9d6 Omg!!!1! Hi Anau!!!1111!1!111
0a6b4e Hello, also uhh, Speedy you alr?
450a4c yo whats goodi
43dbad is the side effect of multiple forms is that you look ga-
d052fd I kinda wanna make an OC out of this. but I would have to make a body or at the least a head.
a2471d looks like things have died down.
995655 LIFE IS GREAT....
8b454d Hi
84c4f3 *just keeps reading*
23e529 mb for late response dell, but *thumbs up*
0a6b4e Just call me Ace, also yes?
891056 "Not my Idea, need I wait for more insight? Oh, right, Two Androids"
18f118 yea?
995655 life is better than ever!
43dbad dell, i has question.
409e02 i have absolutely no idea what to do now
8b454d Mr.Ace?
43dbad bro aint no way you shipping these two mint
995655 thats good....i think???
891056 "Tis your Idea first!"
0a6b4e Well that's better Speedy!
18f118 cool.,.,.,.,.
d052fd wait who's being shipped?
0a6b4e Honestly, I have the same cycle (Subtracting the depression as I do not wish to show it)