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43dbad erm
57dac4 *Unhinges someones Jaw in PAM.*
b9282c [he appears behind Tp with that one Ui goku meme sound thing]
d7c26b im good -lily
0535a6 *Insert gay panic*
009cc5 Anyways, uhh- Weh
d7c26b nice -lily
e7aa58 good lily hbu?
e7aa58 :O i found PROTO-KG :D
43dbad "Hey, who's amity?"
d7c26b how r yall -lily
0535a6 "That means amity is here?"
b9282c Eye [make a wish foundation!1] 2 are pee.
57dac4 *Proceeds to unhinge jaw.*
43dbad my dumbass tryna start some rp
009cc5 Candle-Cat-
e7aa58 and now my id did change, damnit
816c09 (How about a camera, Marker-)
d7c26b i got a stuffed duck -lily
b9282c Candle, Marker.
e7aa58 man, this sheet brings back so many good memmories
d7c26b hiyo-lily
711318 Give me some more objects to bring to life -Marker
b9282c Heyo.
d7c26b hay give those back(also hayyyy)-lily
9e7721 wait why didn't my id change, i wanted to become a new member lol
57dac4 I didn't notice that, Luna.
43dbad =The group of men would stand around, looking around in fascination.=
57dac4 *Steals all the Soda and runs off.*
9e7721 hello everybody
009cc5 Well that's the case in Deltarune. Notice how everyone's skin/fur is lighter in the Dark World compared to their Light World counterpart
d7c26b ok -lily
816c09 (No, I'm good, Lily.)
d7c26b ty syl do u want a soda -lily
009cc5 I might actually use it for Jeurosho instead of the other sprite
57dac4 The fact the DW one is Lighter than the normal one is very interesting.
816c09 *Pat the Lily*)
d7c26b thats cool luna! -lily
43dbad =He'd crisscross and sit down, pressing his hand against his face.= "What to do... ame'a moa'a e eru..."
009cc5 And if anyone's wondering, yes, there's a Dark World version too