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402e8b hehe i know ur channel -lily
402e8b hay -lily
53e33e save.file.61
410dc3 ...
c0cbd4 Karrots?
e2e4f0 Orizon Reclamation State of Osalavia
53e33e fan duo phase 5 (unofficial) [fixed selection]
53e33e fan duo phase 5 (unofficial)
e2e4f0 hm ...
c0cbd4 Hey TP.
1ac526 bonk
410dc3 ...hey
c0cbd4 Yo.
410dc3 ...
410dc3 ...
c3f55b ...
fedf74 ima go now its almost twelve at night for me and i have a bunch more finals tests...
fedf74 *dies of death*
9b00f2 That was very information Norman, I have to agree with you on that Political statement.
12dc14 jesus, drone- you scared me
fedf74 im barely passing any of my classes and im failing one class, but its been hard to focus on school from all the shit i've had to put up with this year
936420 boo
12dc14 ive been gucci about it though, im passing all my classes with straight A's
fedf74 finals have me so stressed but i don't give a shit about finals besides it meaning my living hell of a sophmore year is over
12dc14 finals**
12dc14 i feel bored, im tryna get an missing final assignment done
fedf74 hayo micah someone was telling me how they broke up with their girlfriend and we both kinda vented a little, how are you?
12dc14 woahh whatd i miss
fedf74 ok that was a stupid question um, if you wanna talk bout something else for starters whats your fave movie?
fedf74 besides that how are you doing?
fedf74 im starting to get better i think my mental health is improving, barely but improving since i cut them out of my life
f63292 It’s all fine. I’m just glad I got out of it. And I hope you get better too.
fedf74 i am truly sorry you were roped up in a situation like that, i've never really had any relationship besides friendship with other people but i hope you are doing okay
f63292 I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. Tbh, I almost cried bc the thought of hurting her mentally hurt so much.
f63292 This is only part of how she guilt tripped me. “ All the times I’ve been with you I guess they never meant anything I actually thought I found somebody who genuinely cared and understood me not took my existence and shattered it from there lived and act like it meant nothing it’s good to know all the memories were just lies right?“
fedf74 damn that sucks, i kinda know how you feel, not really the same at all but a little similar, i used to have a bunch of friends at school but alls they really did is push me around, call me names steal shit from me bum cash off me, beat me up, now thinking about this i have no real connection to how you feel besides i chose to hang around the wrong people but atleast you got away from a bad situation
f63292 She tried to make me think it was my fault. Saying I lied. Saying I never talked to her about this. I have.dozens of time. Over and over. I got fed up.
f63292 I was guilt tripped, controlled, manipulated, and so much more.
fedf74 why'd you do it? if you don't feel like talking about it just say so and i won't push
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