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e8cb42 wrong channel
e8cb42 soo uhh when did i get mad, if i did, i was probably in a bad mood that day
e8cb42 okey dokey
9d1dfb right after it though ill post terrordust, cause i finished both of them just now, just gotta make the video (weak dustfell)
e8cb42 damn im sure among us man will like that!
9d1dfb i like that papyrus sprite, and also im about to post impostor phase 2
e8cb42 also im looking forward to seeing TerrorDust and Dust Omnilovania P3!
e8cb42 whatcha think to TerrorTale Papyrus?
9d1dfb greetings...
e8cb42 heya toptext
9d1dfb been a while, hasnt it
d959ff madverse caftar
e8cb42 well i gtg on phone, adios and have fun in this channel i suppose!
e8cb42 ok
d959ff ... nah.. Imma just make madverse caftar
e8cb42 maybe make Caftar!MTT phases 1-5?
d959ff now.. what to do.. what to do...
d959ff I still have it pinned I'm just not gonna post I'm just gonna look in the Undertale channel once in a while
e8cb42 .... ok..... you enjoy your ..... time here... i guess
d959ff no im not posting there ever again im moving to this channel
e8cb42 nuuu why, caftar come back please, i beg of you, first spikes gone for 6 week and now this? no caftar please come back
d959ff its unpinned now
b7db12 save
54e8c8 ice and fire sans with ice and fire Gaster blaster
64e535 fell + dustfell, pacifist + genocide
1b64d6 sans
1b64d6 sans
1b64d6 sans
1b64d6 sans
1b64d6 sans
e8cb42 when you realize that i made Stack-Dust!Stack-Dust! Stack-Dust Trio *gasp* 0:
da3288 youre probably right
e8cb42 idk why but a part of me thinks that negadustdust would be half insane half sad
da3288 yea i just thought of it just now and im not sure if anyone else already has (negadustdust)
e8cb42 thats a crazy au toptext
e8cb42 Untitled
da3288 DustDust404: Fatal Malware
746ea7 Dust Sans phase 2 animation
70ef99 Sans dialogue sprites
746ea7 KillerDust Very high Lv