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d6b045 Stare: FellTale Sans go hide now I have to Warn you Matrix can be Glitchy NOW GO!!
e8cb42 Well you 2 get back to doing it's quite fun to watch
d082ec it's 4:24/25 for me
d6b045 Nah It was like 22:10pm or something
e8cb42 Brush you shower at 10:30Pm???
d082ec hey look i found jacob
d6b045 Stare: *Gets out Knife* DON'T TOUCH HIS HOOD
d6b045 (I had to get a shower sorry)
3c0b3b im just gonna go with that because i honestly have 0 clue as to why
e8cb42 Maybe he had to quickly
3c0b3b now im just pissed. I have no idea WHY he left. he just, LEFT
e8cb42 Eeeeeeeeeeeee
3c0b3b also hi
3c0b3b im being serious. d6b045 just LEFT me here. he just up and left without even saying bye
e8cb42 Hi
d959ff =) i think i know how chat died =)
3c0b3b why did the chat just die all of a sudden?
d959ff hello.. I have returned
3c0b3b hi welcome to the dead chat
d082ec im back
3c0b3b bruh wth
3c0b3b bruh chat died why?????????
3c0b3b *slaps Multiverse's hand and spawns blasters* DO NOT TOUCH ME
3c0b3b *touches FT's hood* wow your jacket is soft
3c0b3b what did you just call me?
3c0b3b oh a new friend
d6b045 Matrix: I'm calling Delete Sans if we screw up. Stare: I'm Stare Sans and these are my friends
3c0b3b who the hell are you?
d6b045 Stare: If Multi isn't with us we can't live
3c0b3b *Multiverse leaves with them
d6b045 Killer: How the heck are we gonna live now?
d6b045 *The Quartet Tp to FellTale*
3c0b3b the hell are you doing? cant you see im busy
d6b045 Sans.exe: *Gets in the way of Madness Delete 404* NAH NAH NAH
3c0b3b that's too bad, guess your friend will have to say goodbye *presses the knife into Killer's neck a bit*
d6b045 Killer: Is he 10XMultiVerse Sans?
d959ff hello
d6b045 Stare, Matrix and Acid: We can't work for you we already have a boss his name is Deca!Verse Sans
3c0b3b i'll give you your friend back if you all work for me
d6b045 Stare, Matrix and Acid: *Throws Swap Sans to Deleted Madness* He's annoying kill him
3c0b3b how about me make an exchange for your friends life?