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57dac4 i think so Drone
1f8cec you mean a hospital?
fedf74 Gotcha.
57dac4 i wouldnt know, i have only been England for a couple (maybe few) years
8c5923 They exist but now you need to call them
fedf74 I also don't know if it's different in the US, but are there not also walk-in clinics, where you don't even need to make an appointment?
57dac4 fuck i meant doctor company thingies, fuck i dont know what they called gimme a break
fedf74 Late post.
fedf74 I thought you had to see a doctor to be assigned a therapist first?
57dac4 its probably because im a what they call "immigrant" isnt it?
8c5923 Because you need to see a doctor first and then they refer you to therapy..
8c5923 It is,ebag
57dac4 every time we try contacting some company or whatever, we just get declined
57dac4 to do what Nat?
fedf74 I know it's probably different in the UK, but I thought therapy was pretty easy to access there, too?
57dac4 which leads me to the no self control Ez was talking about
8c5923 I can say that's a lie,because it takes up to 2 weeks to a month
57dac4 i have been trying to get therapy for months now, but they fucking wont give me it, which is fucking annoying
1f8cec Honestly i must say, this whole "I hate humanity" Schtick is edgy as hell and also even if someone isnt nice to you, loosing a loved one, cause what the hell man, also your a major asshole so why should we be nice to you when you've been a pure little rotten asshole with sentience
57dac4 not to mention i have so much built up rage from over the years aswell, which as we all knwo can change someone significantly... in the negative way and because i have been purposely weakening myself, i cant punch things to let out my anger, so have a guess what my brain decided to do? it decided to go "oh lets let it out on others" i try to keep my cool, but as you can see, its starting to get difficult
fedf74 As I've said before, many times, therapy would be great. I know last time we had a conversation like this, you said you were close to seeing a therapist, or something? I don't quite remember.
57dac4 im gunna be real with, its probably because i was speaking my mind and didnt think, my mind has gotten psychotic over the years, and i think it is because i literally only watch Horror movies so i have started to watch my old childhood stuff like Dr. Who and Ben 10, its gradually working
fedf74 PAM is, like, the worst example of humanity. Reddit or something would probably be better than here.
fedf74 Yeah, that's what I mean. Anau was nice to you first, but you didn't reciprocate that.
57dac4 eh, boredom, i try to prove myself wrong about Humanity you see
fedf74 And, I see flaws in that logic anyways. If you hate humanity, then why do you decide to interact with us? Wouldn't you rather stay as far away from any social interaction as you can? Or, is it somehow different, because it's online?
57dac4 well im not beingg nice to tohers because they arent being nice to me, i dont do nice to you ---> nice to me, i do nice to me ---> nice to you, if youget what i mean
fedf74 Anau was nice to you, and gave you a second chance. Made you a sprite, too. I'd say they were being pretty nice to you. And, what did you do? You betrayed the trust that you were building by saying you didn't care about them.
fedf74 How do you expect people to be nice to you, when you're not nice to other people?
57dac4 cause if so, then i cant really help my hate for humanity, i hate humanity for what it has done to me and other people and other living things, let me put it this way, if you be nice to me, ill be nice to you, just simply dont take whatever i say personal, then we will be all good, its literally all you need to do, i have been trying to say this
2bf2d8 Jero, look in my description.
fedf74 Someone other than yourself.
fedf74 I'm just saying. Every time there's some conflict, you seem to find someone to blame.
fedf74 Yes, that's what I mean, you insulted Anau by saying you didn't care about their pain.
57dac4 uh no? last i recalled i said i felt bad for thedog? are you talking about when i said i dont feel bad for him though?
fedf74 It's not any of us that's caused any of this to happen to you.
fedf74 You didn't have to say that. Anau would've trusted you, had you not said that.
fedf74 Remember how you betrayed their trust about making a rude comment about their dog that recently passed away?
c7b058 Im going to do the same thing spike did.. im unpinning this terrible channel..
1f8cec ima go to the Rp gallery now, ill still spectate this though
fedf74 Remember how Anau gave you a second chance?
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