mega man 7 sprite remastered
I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up...
Jurushoe was on the other side of the Universe, but after an incident with a black hole colliding with another, and moved Jurushoe into this Solar System
(There we go made a sprite for myself) - Patrick
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more fucking bad karma... PAM hates me... like half everyone does...
I am a Jurushoian. More than you know. The average Jurushoian lives for about 500 years, and I am only 13 right now
heya guys...
It`s still lagging, for me... Bloody hell... But... Not AS, horrid as before, but still pretty bad...
unless someone does it for me... i cant do it...
Wow, someone ELSE is saying something I DIDN`T, want to say...
One thing I know is that Source uses a bunch of shaders and, depending on your settings, uses a TON of pixels, which is too much for my computer, which might be the reason why Portal and Garrys Mod always crashes... However, Team Fortress 2 uses Source, and yet, it crashing is like a rare thing for me...
Im not lagging very much..
Just like stop using the sprite and take the time to make it smaller without STILL posting it when the main gallery is FULL of it already!
(Hey Foxlinn? Can you rp as a jurushoian civilian?)
Undertale Unhinged papyrus with expresions
-Two Egg bois wander in the distance-
im fixing PAM by getting rid of some of the sprite
-He sits in a corner, humming to himself-
I have used computers for god who knows what... Possibly for 8 years now... And I know a bunch about them. Not the best, but I know how to use the files and get into files of games (On computer)
I~m not good with computers or coding but I know enough from games, that the huge sprite Warrior, is using it`s causing a image overload for pixels... Which, leads to PAM, being unable to render many images to the point of self-termination...
i broke PAM Stellar...
oh sorry I said that again
Because Warrior is using a HUGE sprite that is making us lag like Hell
is it fixed yet?
part human sans
(These are Brian and Lucas Elterra forms)
Hey Foxlyyn, sorry if I said it wrong, do you need a maid for any of your need a maid?
why is pam so fucking laggy
Also the mofo, spamming is Chaotic... I clearly know it...
Not for me...
down with pam~ uwu
Nah... Im good little spider
...ill fix it...
down with pam~ uwu
down with pam~ uwu
Oh and by the way, things just got back up to speed for me. Even with Warriors sprite being spammed now.
down with pam~ uwu
. This is a
mega man 7 sprite remastered

mega man 7 sprite remastered

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