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Description: This is my "Amtrak Pak", which contains a plethora of things vaguely Amtrak related. The first item is an F40PH in Amtrak "Phase 3" livery. There are 4 options for side paneling. The second item is the Amfleet coaches also in "Phase 3" livery. These coaches can have their doors opened or closed with a few moved pixels. The third item is the two included in-scale humans. The first character is a conductor, and the second one is a scaled-down version of my friend, CT, who also has in interest in trains. These come in a variety of stances. This is the daytime version. I hope you enjoy. Made by /e-bag/, February, 2021. Updated and expanded April 20th, 2021. Updated Desc on October 25, 2021. Do not steal, or else.

CREATOR ID: 96c78c
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: F40PH W/ Coaches, Characters, and Customize Options (Day)

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