You don`t need church to believe. You don`t need the Bible, you don`t need to be perfect. Embrace being human, embrace the imperfections, and just pray. Say what`s on your heart, God always knows and will always listen. When noone else is there for you, he is. -BD

You don`t need church to believe. You don`t need the Bible, you don`t need to be perfect. Embrace being human, embrace the imperfections, and just pray. Say what`s on your heart, God always knows and will always listen. When noone else is there for you, he is. -BD

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Description: Ruby, most known as BD.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
VIEWS: 103
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Oh hey, shit! I can actually introduce myself as a creator now! .....If....We weren`t leaving. Shit.

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