<div class='art'><a title='mega man 7 sprite remastered' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/3556a2106701f51'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/3556a2106701f51.png' alt='mega man 7 sprite remastered' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='&lt;div class=art&gt;&lt;a title=I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up... href=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0&gt;&lt;img src=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0.png alt=I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up... /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=art&gt;&lt;a title=Jurushoe was on the other side of the Universe, but after an incident with a black hole colliding with another, and moved Jurushoe into this Solar System href=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2&gt;&lt;img src=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2.png alt=Jurushoe was on the othe

<div class='art'><a title='mega man 7 sprite remastered' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/3556a2106701f51'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/3556a2106701f51.png' alt='mega man 7 sprite remastered' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='&lt;div class=art&gt;&lt;a title=I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up... href=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0&gt;&lt;img src=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0.png alt=I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up... /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=art&gt;&lt;a title=Jurushoe was on the other side of the Universe, but after an incident with a black hole colliding with another, and moved Jurushoe into this Solar System href=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2&gt;&lt;img src=http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2.png alt=Jurushoe was on the othe

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Description: <div class='art'><a title='I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fbc8a37d3c217e0.png' alt='I went from 75% zoom, good streamline, rendering back to 33%, zoom which is slightly laggy but it`s only NOW, clearing up...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Jurushoe was on the other side of the Universe, but after an incident with a black hole colliding with another, and moved Jurushoe into this Solar System' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/55d9ccfcf99fec2.png' alt='Jurushoe was on the other side of the Universe, but after an incident with a black hole colliding with another, and moved Jurushoe into this Solar System' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='(There we go made a sprite for myself) - Patrick' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a908cbaacf674e4'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a908cbaacf674e4.png' alt='(There we go made a sprite for myself) - Patrick' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='&lt;style&gt; body * { font-family: courier; } h1, h3 { text-align:center; } #gallery .art { display:inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; width:300px; height:300px; } .art img { max-width: 300px; max-height: 300px; border:solid 5px white; box-sizing:border-box; } .art img:hover { border:solid 5px #555555; } .nav_ctn { text-align:center; } &lt;/style&gt; &lt;!--&lt;script src=&quot;//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;--&gt; &lt;script&gt;window.jQuery || document.write(&lt;script src=&quot;js/vendor/jquery-1.10.2.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;)&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/plugins.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/masonry.pkgd.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/imagesloaded.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script&gt; var $container = $(#gallery); // initialize $(#gallery).imagesLoaded( function(){ $container.masonry({ columnWidth: 300, &quot;gutter&quot;: 10, itemSelector: .art }); }); &lt;/script&gt; &lt;!--&lt;script&gt; ' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e5cae476c355629'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e5cae476c355629.png' alt='&lt;style&gt; body * { font-family: courier; } h1, h3 { text-align:center; } #gallery .art { display:inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; width:300px; height:300px; } .art img { max-width: 300px; max-height: 300px; border:solid 5px white; box-sizing:border-box; } .art img:hover { border:solid 5px #555555; } .nav_ctn { text-align:center; } &lt;/style&gt; &lt;!--&lt;script src=&quot;//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;--&gt; &lt;script&gt;window.jQuery || document.write(&lt;script src=&quot;js/vendor/jquery-1.10.2.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;)&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/plugins.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/masonry.pkgd.min.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script src=&quot;js/imagesloaded.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;script&gt; var $container = $(#gallery); // initialize $(#gallery).imagesLoaded( function(){ $container.masonry({ columnWidth: 300, &quot;gutter&quot;: 10, itemSelector: .art }); }); &lt;/script&gt; &lt;!--&lt;script&gt; ' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='more fucking bad karma... PAM hates me... like half everyone does...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/b339f5323c4c5ec'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/b339f5323c4c5ec.png' alt='more fucking bad karma... PAM hates me... like half everyone does...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='I am a Jurushoian. More than you know. The average Jurushoian lives for about 500 years, and I am only 13 right now' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e456000044da439'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e456000044da439.png' alt='I am a Jurushoian. More than you know. The average Jurushoian lives for about 500 years, and I am only 13 right now' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='heya guys...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/73ce1833f5ce4bc'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/73ce1833f5ce4bc.png' alt='heya guys...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='It`s still lagging, for me... Bloody hell... But... Not AS, horrid as before, but still pretty bad...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/884988988457916'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/884988988457916.png' alt='It`s still lagging, for me... Bloody hell... But... Not AS, horrid as before, but still pretty bad...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='unless someone does it for me... i cant do it...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/740a758f300cacd'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/740a758f300cacd.png' alt='unless someone does it for me... i cant do it...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Wow, someone ELSE is saying something I DIDN`T, want to say...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fa8751044ba9f4a'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/fa8751044ba9f4a.png' alt='Wow, someone ELSE is saying something I DIDN`T, want to say...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='One thing I know is that Source uses a bunch of shaders and, depending on your settings, uses a TON of pixels, which is too much for my computer, which might be the reason why Portal and Garrys Mod always crashes... However, Team Fortress 2 uses Source, and yet, it crashing is like a rare thing for me...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6d8d6c6e9bcf38d'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6d8d6c6e9bcf38d.png' alt='One thing I know is that Source uses a bunch of shaders and, depending on your settings, uses a TON of pixels, which is too much for my computer, which might be the reason why Portal and Garrys Mod always crashes... However, Team Fortress 2 uses Source, and yet, it crashing is like a rare thing for me...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Im not lagging very much..' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/d46959d8f181002'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/d46959d8f181002.png' alt='Im not lagging very much..' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Just like stop using the sprite and take the time to make it smaller without STILL posting it when the main gallery is FULL of it already!' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/aa5cd5164b91a25'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/aa5cd5164b91a25.png' alt='Just like stop using the sprite and take the time to make it smaller without STILL posting it when the main gallery is FULL of it already!' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='(Hey Foxlinn? Can you rp as a jurushoian civilian?)' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/f7ac7bae68e355e'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/f7ac7bae68e355e.png' alt='(Hey Foxlinn? Can you rp as a jurushoian civilian?)' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='.................................' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a8e30928934e36f'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a8e30928934e36f.png' alt='.................................' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Undertale Unhinged papyrus with expresions' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e2f8b6c45487722'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/e2f8b6c45487722.png' alt='Undertale Unhinged papyrus with expresions' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='WARRIOR! ITS NOT GONNA HELP JUST STOP USING IT!' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/243e7d26f901781'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/243e7d26f901781.png' alt='WARRIOR! ITS NOT GONNA HELP JUST STOP USING IT!' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='-Two Egg bois wander in the distance-' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/655f61649da40de'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/655f61649da40de.png' alt='-Two Egg bois wander in the distance-' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='im fixing PAM by getting rid of some of the sprite' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/961ee13ed033c0c'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/961ee13ed033c0c.png' alt='im fixing PAM by getting rid of some of the sprite' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='-He sits in a corner, humming to himself-' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/9b1cf0a83783bed'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/9b1cf0a83783bed.png' alt='-He sits in a corner, humming to himself-' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='I have used computers for god who knows what... Possibly for 8 years now... And I know a bunch about them. Not the best, but I know how to use the files and get into files of games (On computer)' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a5dad3bf4997ad0'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a5dad3bf4997ad0.png' alt='I have used computers for god who knows what... Possibly for 8 years now... And I know a bunch about them. Not the best, but I know how to use the files and get into files of games (On computer)' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='WHY ARE YOU STILL USING THE SPRITE IF ITS FUCKING WITH PAM?!' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/2f82e98f8c2f5b3'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/2f82e98f8c2f5b3.png' alt='WHY ARE YOU STILL USING THE SPRITE IF ITS FUCKING WITH PAM?!' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='I~m not good with computers or coding but I know enough from games, that the huge sprite Warrior, is using it`s causing a image overload for pixels... Which, leads to PAM, being unable to render many images to the point of self-termination...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/9fb554759cbc667'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/9fb554759cbc667.png' alt='I~m not good with computers or coding but I know enough from games, that the huge sprite Warrior, is using it`s causing a image overload for pixels... Which, leads to PAM, being unable to render many images to the point of self-termination...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='i broke PAM Stellar...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/c584fc74138d938'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/c584fc74138d938.png' alt='i broke PAM Stellar...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='oh sorry I said that again' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/d913cf7862abd08'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/d913cf7862abd08.png' alt='oh sorry I said that again' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Because Warrior is using a HUGE sprite that is making us lag like Hell' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/07251a549fa69a4'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/07251a549fa69a4.png' alt='Because Warrior is using a HUGE sprite that is making us lag like Hell' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='is it fixed yet?' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/ab999952dd4ff9b'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/ab999952dd4ff9b.png' alt='is it fixed yet?' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='part human sans' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6900f5a6ec861d9'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6900f5a6ec861d9.png' alt='part human sans' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='(These are Brian and Lucas Elterra forms)' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/13433552fcdfbaa'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/13433552fcdfbaa.png' alt='(These are Brian and Lucas Elterra forms)' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Hey Foxlyyn, sorry if I said it wrong, do you need a maid for any of your need a maid?' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/bbe66542c08912c'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/bbe66542c08912c.png' alt='Hey Foxlyyn, sorry if I said it wrong, do you need a maid for any of your need a maid?' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='why is pam so fucking laggy' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/db8d9aa11583014'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/db8d9aa11583014.png' alt='why is pam so fucking laggy' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Also the mofo, spamming is Chaotic... I clearly know it...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/32cab84f794311f'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/32cab84f794311f.png' alt='Also the mofo, spamming is Chaotic... I clearly know it...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='....' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/05dc3ff4b3ca8f6'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/05dc3ff4b3ca8f6.png' alt='....' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Not for me...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/64e9e043282b243'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/64e9e043282b243.png' alt='Not for me...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='down with pam~ uwu' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a8fbc7187c5bdcd'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/a8fbc7187c5bdcd.png' alt='down with pam~ uwu' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Nah... Im good little spider' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6967a71bd077ac8'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/6967a71bd077ac8.png' alt='Nah... Im good little spider' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='...ill fix it...' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/f9e1cc50a1e06a2'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/f9e1cc50a1e06a2.png' alt='...ill fix it...' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='down with pam~ uwu' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/44be5e78c27d2cc'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/44be5e78c27d2cc.png' alt='down with pam~ uwu' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='down with pam~ uwu' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/ea13a84118cf722'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/ea13a84118cf722.png' alt='down with pam~ uwu' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='Oh and by the way, things just got back up to speed for me. Even with Warriors sprite being spammed now.' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/4581b03faf60401'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/4581b03faf60401.png' alt='Oh and by the way, things just got back up to speed for me. Even with Warriors sprite being spammed now.' /></a></div><div class='art'><a title='down with pam~ uwu' href='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/051742d783d1f70'><img src='http://pixelartmaker.com/art/051742d783d1f70.png' alt='down with pam~ uwu' /></a></div> </div>

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator