If RUL is here, he can fucking step right up to the person who made the original sprite of their shitty edit.

If RUL is here, he can fucking step right up to the person who made the original sprite of their shitty edit.

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Description: Classic!Boarder (PAM Version...but something is...wrong.) | Edited by Boarderline263 | HP: 0.1 | ATK: 999 | DEF: 100 | *Something seems off about his usual happy and light atmosphere... | Do not edit without permission.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Well cogratu-fucking-lations, asshole. You pissed me off. Boarder doesn`t belong to an AU. Boarder DOESN`T EXIST. So just because you "Own 50+ AUs" doesn`t give your ASSHOLE-ISH SELF the right to MY. FUCKING. OC. It wasn`t even a good edit for sucks sake. If it was good at least I could appreciate it. But no. Fuck you. I hope you did leave, because God damn I should be doing better things than yelling at you,ya piece of shit.

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