Who killed the kid? ANSWER!!

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Description: ( IF YOU THINK I GET THE STORY WRONG, JUST KNOW, THIS IS MY VERSION!) First up we have purple guy he couldn't have been it because he was at home, enjoying soap operas with his son, mike and he was not working with anything dangerous at the time, but the amount of episodes they binged might be! Then is jeff the killer. As I said previously, He was off in the woods, but what I didn't mention was that the kid was killed in a chocolate shop, and who loves chocolate? CHARA! That leaves our last suspect , chara.Chara was smiling when they found her, like always.She could have been smiling because she killed a kid because she hates humanity! Then she was really nervous while telling us she was at grillbys, but, here's the thing, She is on the surface world and grillbys was in the mountain! It would make no sense for her to escape and then go back because she missed grillbys! What am I doing with my life....
CREATOR ID: | 0f5f5d |
VIEWS: | 37 |
AGE: | 4 years old |
BASED ON: | Who killed the kid? |