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000885 BX, you're not garbage. From what I've seen, you're actually a wonderful human being. Better than me, for sure. You'll find some friends, I'm sure.
72a1a3 Bx- Do you know how hard it is being in a world that dosen give two shites about you or if you pearents left you on the side if the road for 3 days or cuting on the daily or just get bullied every single day of your life *crying* Chey
48193a should...maybe i should....just go-Bx
72a1a3 Bx- Its gonna be otay
48193a [][][][]my opinions just hurt other people all the time....this has happened before *sigh*-Bx
72a1a3 Bx- I may seem sweet and kind but i have a lot of shit going thro my mine and when you said you were gonna die alon i was going to say the same but I was gonna kill myself in stead
48193a also I am not gonna ask you to die with me it just means that its scary and it makes my brain go made to the point where I wanna grab some rope because I am only thinking about what it feels like to die but I still value life itself just not my own so you dont gotta die if I die...-Bx
72a1a3 Bx- I bet there is some thing that you could do to make really sweet and loving fiends in the outside world
72a1a3 SaMe ThO
48193a how the only friends I have are ones on here-Bx
72a1a3 Its okay I could die with you im a bi bitch
000885 Just because you're Asexual doesn't necicarrily mean you'll die alone. From a romantic standpoint, maybe, but you'll still have your friends.
48193a well how can i NOT have that fear when Im asexual huh? the answer is its impossible not to have that fear...-Bx
72a1a3 That is loneliness luv i go thro that all the time
000885 Autophobia, apparrently.
48193a whats the fear of dying alone called?-Bx
72a1a3 why u say dat?
77b851 I am back.. and I am around 14-19 not saying the exact number because.. privacy.. | -Grim
fbde29 im extremely freaking young
72a1a3 Im soooooooo tierddddddd *Yown*
72a1a3 Der is?
48193a nah there is a literal 2 yr old on this site just ask Cv who that is-Bx
aeaddc [Eku] im 16
cb38c5 Okay. Well... I'm Also 14 -Lebryan J.
72a1a3 HAhah sorry
0b51d0 -Bursts into the chat channel- I'M 14 BI-
fbde29 frick im younfg
48193a ngl im 13 also-Bx
fbde29 im 12
cb38c5 Didn't... Have To Tell Us That... But Okay -Lebryan J.
72a1a3 Danks!! btw im 13
cb38c5 I Could Be Your Friend! -Lebryan J.
72a1a3 Thanks for being my friend im very weebish where i am
48193a heya cheyenne i am Bx and your sprite is cool if you want consider me your friend or something idk-Bx
000885 I could be your friend, but I'm leaving for the summer in... about a week, actually.
72a1a3 Um okay?
cb38c5 Hello Cheyenne D! Welcome To PAM! -Lebryan J.
48193a Terrie is b;aming EVERYBODY of being horknee but I didn't do anything-Bx
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