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chat gallery
Newest pixel art on the chat channel:
6a7b6a *an inch of water piles up to peoples feet, it looks like it started in another channel...*
48193a lets not do this-(Bx)
48193a ......-(Bx)
72a1a3 I gotta go baiii~Chey
2fe70b nices
43520c idk all i know is im going to make the other dream members. georgenotfound, sapnap, antfrost, and badboyhalo as well as make more sprites of dream because dream is my favorite youtuber. - ink
72a1a3 nothing much what bout u ~chey
2fe70b so what's going on here?
72a1a3 how are youuu!!~Chey
43520c hi there! - ink
72a1a3 Hello ~chey
43520c channel, server, basically the same thing - ink
2fe70b sup
43520c oh hi - ink
43520c is anyone on this server? - ink
43520c ... - ink
72a1a3 Hello!~Chey
43520c hi pam - ink
72a1a3 Im signing out for the night i have stupid family shit to deal with love you stay ok~Chey
48193a well e-bag you are well on your way-Bx
000885 No problem. I've been a bit of a dick on this site, so I might as well try to turn this around.
48193a Id like to thank you too aswell as e-bag-Bx
72a1a3 thank u Bx i really needed this! ~chey
72a1a3 Yeah thank u ~cheyene
48193a I made another channel called "vent" to get stuff off your shoulders-Bx
72a1a3 I enjoy that u are still here iv gone tro lots of shit if you like ill tell u ~cheyene
6a7b6a Well nice to meet you! (As they said yeah, my name is Bagel Child-)
48193a heh yea things were better as a kid a 5 year old kid who had his parents together and was happy....then time had to pass on my parents split, I get a awesomely nice stepmom, dad dumps her as they have a baby going back and forth, dad gets a cinderella stepmom, the stepmom abuses the first stepmom's 1 yr old child, previous stepmom gets picture proof of this she rescue's her child I don't get to see that child, kids at school think I'm weird and dumb (passing grades) dad moves around every one to 2 yrs i wanted o be cool so people would like me, gets a girlfriend who turns out lesbian, gets a girl who was an utter [INSERT BAD WORD],I get bad grades become a teen who doesn't care about anything has to move across the state with my mom or stay in cali with dad, still here...I guess im lucky I haven't gone insane yet huh...-Bx
72a1a3 Yeah Im new here ~cheyene
72a1a3 who is Terrie ~Chey
000885 That's Toast, who is now Bagel Child, who is a floating face.
6a7b6a or not- uhhhhhhhhhh... Hello there! Are you new here? I dont think i have seen you here before (but i did join like 4 months ago-)
72a1a3 who dat~chey
6a7b6a i think i came at a bad time- imma just- *walks out of chat and goes to rp*
6a7b6a back from afk-
000885 If it makes you feel any better, BX, Terrie blocked me, too. It just appears that my ID changed.
72a1a3 Bx- Same here luv if you say your not loved imma tell u i love u as a sweet kid
48193a Yet I manage to come to PAM and manage to drop the rope.....heh...-Bx
72a1a3 Bx- Plz just dont im just trying to help from what I can tell you very sweet and kind
48193a E-bag if that were true why am I ignored why am I STILL blocked by terrie I have made so many sprites and yet my brain goes: you aren't good enough to please many people in a passive tone and Cheyenne you'd be suprised....-Bx
72a1a3 Bx- every one has a bad peopblem that needs to leave but that dose not mean you can kill your self trust me i had to learn the hard way ~chey
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