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912b7c Post all the porn you want but don't bore people with your lame ass speech
6ce1fa If you don't care, then why are you arguing? Why should you tell people to be quiet when it's not something you care about?
912b7c What case. besides the porn of course
6ce1fa A man can still state his case, can't he?
912b7c No, Just can't imagined anyone cared
6ce1fa Did it ever cross your mind that I might not be talking to you?
912b7c Oh shut the fuck up man, No one needs to hear your plead after what you did
cd0dd3 I've tried
c269fd okay ...
c269fd hm ...
cd0dd3 All this has done for me is hurt my life.
c269fd ...
c269fd eh
cd0dd3 Whether or not you believe me, I do wish that I could delete all of this.
cd0dd3 To be honest, you're right.
510137 Please do this in a pon channel or something! Not cute plz.
56126f naked bitch needs to go outside
691fe2 ong, go burn in hell. Ya fuckin basement dwelling no life.
cd0dd3 Come again!
cd0dd3 How do you feel? Good!
cd0dd3 Hey!
cd0dd3 Well...
cd0dd3 Misty? (Unfinished)
dc7f39 Oh, um... Hi there!
a002f4 Solar Flare Pvz Heroessss
00660b deer girl
748a48 scout_headshot
748a48 Gotta finish this!
a2471d capybara
ae7706 PLEASE LOOK AT THE DESCRIPTION!!!!!!! - Cannon!Dust!Dust!sans
ae7706 OOOH-OOH-AH-AH ME HUNGY MAN!!!! - Cannon!dust!dust!sans!randomwords! (Landon)
ae7706 yo whatup boys, for me its duccin' 11:12pm right now, i should be asleep but im not... - Landon
ae7706 what is jerry doing?
cc8b65 pov the people who post this garbage
0a78a2 Untitled
0a78a2 really
dbb385 Pri!
b8fb37 ye fun fact im not out of high school yet
cc8b65 really, you for real. kids use this.
b8fb37 who the FUCK posts this shit in channels like CUTE???? GO TO HELL ALL WHO POST THIS SHIT
691fe2 Stop posting porn, go outside, and most importantly stop posting porn you basement dwelling rednecked fuckers.