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63ceb7 "Fatal!Corruption - Re-RevertedSpinArraSwap Sarah | -Terrie
a228fa I'm not sure. He passed out after knocking my brother out.
25ede4 red idle
7871b5 UnderFell sans
a49514 (That must be boring)
42f76e hey guys (and yes I'm going back to using this) -electro
cf5311 Ugh. my teacher is talking about how its gonna be when i get out of college... | _daz_
392c9b And...Is he ok? - DST
acbc50 -green kills red lol-
392c9b Hey..uhh what happened when I was gone? - DST
a228fa *He lies Fatal down beside him* Rest easy, friend.
25ede4 red frame 1 true
fb7182 *Body goes limp. Is now unconscious* :Fatal
6319a2 Krunker Hitmarker
a49514 *more robots walk by* Maybe.
392c9b He come back* - DST
741690 Oh great, what are we, a fucking TAXI?! -Ben
63ceb7 W.I.P...
acbc50 *walks into the hills*
a49514 *walks past Ben*
a228fa *He was lost in thought.*
392c9b ... - DST
1c4d8b The Bad Time Trio.
a49514 Hello. And
b46acf HorrorFell Sans
acbc50 *insta jump out with baby red*
741690 *Unlocks prison cells*Now. -Ben
741690 We have arived! Now get out. -Ben
acbc50 -baby red just watching-
fb7182 *Try's to speak but is to glitched out* :Fatal
741690 HA! Nope! -Ben
25ede4 red frame 2
db1555 Math Quilt
392c9b *Glitch but he doesn't know that he is* - DST
acbc50 can i just eject myself
63ceb7 W.I.P...
7bfab6 bad time oh no you messed up big time 2
741690 Till we get to earth -Ben
acbc50 are you just gonna make m stand here forever
fb7182 *Glitch's go away a little bit, but the eyes stay the same* :Fatal
a228fa Must be some form of God, or Godly Protector.