df4002 (After all those bone stabs, Jane decided to spawn her own blaster and fly away, and she just did.)
2d73ea Untitled
63ceb7 HMMMMM
63ceb7 Wait a minute.......
7456f1 no. im on a blaster flying.
acbc50 anyone want their sprite as among us
4e7c18 Krunker Red Dot
fb7182 *Voice* I WaS LyInG! YoU ShOuLd KnOw ThAt!! :Fatal
42f76e *Tps to Geno pushes his head down to the ground and uses blubones on his entire body, lastly stabs a bone in his head*
3a33bd oh looks like your good-Speck
d436d4 It is I the EmeraldWizard and I am here to grant one wish for 1 person of my choosing
fb7182 But you said you lost your power years ago! :Fatal
7456f1 *shoots 10 blasters*
42f76e (back from eating lunch) -electro
b864cc AaAaAaAaAaAa - Ray
4cb6bc Hey if you want to go on my discord server, heres the link! https://discord.com/channels/760290413583007774/760301099722211328
3a33bd lets go *Grabs Jane and runs away*-Speck
df4002 Oh, Thanks! (She stepped on the blaster)
e089b1 -{ He runs aswell. }- * RUNNN!
fb7182 *Voice* YoU KnOw I CaN MaKe YoU... :Fatal
2d73ea *Naruto Run TO Jane* "F R E E F O O D"
63ceb7 [[Oh ffs... I`m just not even gonna bother....]]
2d8240 *a squad of UNSC Marines gather around the wrecked dropship* -Pathfinder
7456f1 *catches up to jane* hello. *spawns a blaster* get on.
3a33bd *Jack runs to speck and fixes him and runs away*-Jack
0d123e Sans Sprite
df4002 Thanks for the advice! (She started running away, once again.)
0d123e Sans Sprite
63ceb7 -He looked at Jane, and just lightly growled- The hell... Listen, girly you better get some flying licence next time... Cause you just crashed into me...
0d123e Sans Sprite
df4002 (She saw horror in the distance) Oh, right, someone is gonna eat me alive.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!