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31bd52 Its not magic -C.C
acbc50 (i drew the blaster pixel by pixel)
a5b66d Here is a concoction I made that adds a bit more power to a weapon but it makes it a bit green so take it if you want
1550bf Underfell Sans the Skeleton
1212f8 Sans thunder stuff but he's homicidally loony V.2 - K.Vargas
acbc50 *somehow becomes a gaster blaster
3a9dfe Cute Blue Heart.
81466a negatale last breath phase 3: a Sad Encounter
1212f8 Sans thunder stuff but he's getting his maniacal vengeance V.2 - K.Vargas
81466a negatale last breath phase 3: a Sad Encounter
81466a negatale last breath phase 3: a Sad Encounter
a5b66d Meh Im not much for magic weapons, I like to use weapons i make myself like my sythe I have here
59e4d2 Mrs. Perry
1550bf storyspin sans is a god
480206 [Save] seeya later PAM! - Ethan
31bd52 Oh...hello! Its a Devils fire sword -C.C
a5b66d *sees person hitting lamppost* Well hello there, Nice sword you got there *The lamppost light turns a bright green as I walk by*
1550bf Undertale Sans the Skeleton
31bd52 ... *Uses her sword on a lamp post on PAM square* -C.C
990543 Shiny white Star 1
a5b66d How strange... Oh well ive seen stranger *walks twards pam square*
dcda0d Shiny white Star 1
1550bf Undertale Sans the Skeleton
dcda0d Shiny white Star 1
904ba9 Takes a bow my name Decater the magical monster I have go goodbye tp away.
c65fbc daasing tertle
59e4d2 Mrs. Perry
904ba9 ok im done ps physco belive are not inspired me to start the emoji thing it's makes my forms a lot easyer to show what I feel.
a5b66d So what is your name
81466a negatale last breath phase 2: The Negativity Continues
904ba9 Ok then???
a5b66d *walks out of portal and bumps into person* Oh hey didnt see you there
acbc50 back
904ba9 walks over to portale.
a5b66d *A portal appears out of nowhere*
c65fbc crown
31bd52 ... *starts singing My Demons* -C.C
904ba9 in mean time im gone play inky mistake well pixleing this yes I am a underverse and hazbine hotel fan
990543 Reaper. -T
904ba9 few more minutes and my form will be complete.