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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
11a9d7 ... -deteriorate
77b851 ( So I made some hand gestures, I kinda ran out of ideas on the last few. So yeah. - Grim )
8206a1 Ohh.. I get it.. It`s melted ice cream.[Smiley]
11a9d7 ...I already drunk goats milk, TO GET RID OF YOUR CHEESE -deteriorate
583245 I thought it was goats milk...
8206a1 *a hand picks up jase and a spike comes out of the ground* *the human shoots himself* [Smiley]
d76556 dude, it's cum. -cleetus
11a9d7 Nah, its mayonnaise -deteriorate
8206a1 i think thats something else.. [Smiley]
2d73ea resist. fire. i come in peace.
401102 *is this COCAINE!?-rainbowfox2011
11a9d7 I have awoken -deteriorate
401102 *i was tryna do sarv but failed
4b8609 CryingCharacter dragged to DEATH
d76556 lel) -Ruv (cleetus
8206a1 Wait, If I can`t shoot the cat.. *a completely white human comes out of the ground with a white gun* [Smiley]
401102 *cool! the legs are TNYY tho like damm he skip leg day-rainbowfox2011
ebf0c4 i would break your nonexistent spine if you shot the cat
d76556 sure! and thanks rainbow, I wanted to make ruv for awhile and trace a pixelated version, but I made this myself! I'll be working on the sarv sprite, and you can have it once I'm done!) -Ruv (cleetus
8206a1 WHY SHOULDN`T I? [Smiley]
2d73ea hhh.
ebf0c4 do not shoot the cat smiley
8206a1 What is going on?? [Frowny]
2d73ea *Hides behind tim* please no.
401102 *WOAH! this is epic! can you make sarvente next?-rainbowfox2011
2d73ea HEY HEY HEY, calm down, im not a damn furry.
d76556 -he prays with his eyes open- ....- Ruv (cleetus
ebf0c4 oh hey your back
8206a1 Uhm.. How did I get here? [Frowny]
d76556 -whispers- your a weird ass- I mean butt thing...OH SHOOT PERSONAL PRAYER...- Ruv (cleetus
ebf0c4 ...why wouldnt you be able to speak.....hello jase...
8206a1 *sniff* I SMELL FURRY *breaks open tims door with a gun* [Smiley]
749370 dababy
8206a1 *splits* What. [Smiley] What. [Frowny]
a8d8e4 Spongetale last oxygen Patrick phase 6
2d73ea *Continues rubbing and purring* The name's jase...
ebf0c4 oh eh heh...hello there cat...
d76556 -whispers- you heard me...were in church... - Ruv (cleetus
8206a1 im in a church what[Smiley]
2d73ea *Somehow teleports to Tim and Starts rubbing up against His leg*
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!