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beac31 No seriously is it only me that thinks it's kinda fucked up that he pretended to have a sister which DIED making him "double pretend" to be her?
4e7490 Volume 0
efd013 ...*lies on couch*bored
95be89 PH YEAH! Due to breaking up with his first boyfriend like three weeks ago, is why he`s been kinda aggressive and due to all the hate here mainly by Allan, Terrie, is slowly losing his mind which is making him more and more aggressive and rude!
beac31 And that she died?
beac31 But isn't it just a little fucked up that Terrie pretended to have a sister?
beac31 It can be hard being on here, but people still have opinions but there is also a difference between having an opinion and just being straight up rude. And sometimes i can't tell the difference between me having an opinion and me just being blinded by anger and being just rude to the person i am talking.
4e7490 Volume 100
70c690 Whisker: An apology can go a long way if you accept it, but it can be the end of you if you don't. I'm going to go do some cleaning and watch a movie, but I will be keeping tabs on here.
e06bd6 GROUND
beac31 As i said earlier, he still tries he's best which i can understand, it can be hard being on a site where mostly everyone aren't animals, and you can easily get bullied for just being something else.
cdd866 But i cant kish u cuz ima face dude...... -Zeddy-
1974b2 Krunker Red Dot
70c690 Whisker: /So sad, I'm going to cry./ Having these problems doesn't mean he needs to be rude to other people. I try to make friends but people see me as annoying, but that doesn't make me want to be rude to others just because I don't have friends.
efd013 ...
beac31 Oh sorry i was too busy typing let me just read that you said real quick.
95be89 Any questions I cannot answer?...
1974b2 Dot Krunker
d921e3 aw.
fe30e2 Derp: You order a BONELESS pizza?
b7731b datkwold Asriel Sprite
95be89 And that`s all I got from him...
95be89 He loves to draw and TRY to make friends, yet he is very shy and too self destructive so he tends to ruin them quite fast, he can`t draw yet loves to do it anyway, he is always alone and in the corner so all the others character he makes up are to comfort him and his mental state
fe30e2 . . .me either ro
beac31 And that she died?
beac31 But isn't it just a little fucked up that Terrie pretended to have a sister?
cdd866 I love u Danger uwu -Zeddy boio-
efd013 i have no idea wth is going on....
95be89 He`s gotten past all of it yet will never forget any of the bad things of his life, he mainly came here due to being annoyed so much, he doesn`t take jokes lightly due to so one doing some long ass joke that he was taking to far with it, and well Terrie, lives in the UK, with his older sister "Loli", and is younger brother "Entry", Terrie, is the only one who said his real name of Justin... His boyfriend is Lenny
beac31 It can be hard being on here, but people still have opinions but there is also a difference between having an opinion and just being straight up rude. And sometimes i can't tell the difference between me having an opinion and me just being blinded by anger and being just rude to the person i am talking.
fe30e2 Derp:Ur hewo?
beac31 Honestly this entire site has just been ruined by these new people. Specially Terrie, thanks for him i no longer feel welcomed here but despite that he still tries he's best which i can understand, it can be hard being on a site where mostly everyone aren't animals, and you can easily get bullied for just being something else.
95be89 Terrie, is a 16 year old who suffers from so many issues, who has dealt with abuse and bullies from the start, he being a gay furry, he gets a lot of hate, he has ADHD, ADD, Mass memory loss... [Part one]
ad3579 Demon!Mixed: i got real pissed off while i was gone so yaeh
95be89 Off of the info I got... Here we go...
70c690 Whisker: Actions have consequences, and his actions are only leading to greater consequences.
95be89 -Ready-
beac31 Well there is an obvious difference between me talking with those and him talking with...them. You know it's me talking when using that, him on the other hand you DONT know it's him talking with that, well until now.
e06bd6 GROUND
95be89 Get ready for a fucking monologue...
95be89 Terrie, isn`t the same guy anymore, anyway...
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!