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be82ba Celeste? (Selest)
cdd866 *hugs Danger* im tired....
37cb0a And MADELYN?
be82ba Luna?
62b362 Krunker pink Dot
95be89 Why can Terrie, think of names I seem to like...
ad6ca4 PurpleTemplateGold
c8bb2d im a god and i have 0.1 hp because of him so no i aint
be82ba Pyyrha?
95be89 Terrie: Vennra [Véin-Ra]; Beail [Bail]; Feil [Feel]
c8bb2d i got a name how about esme
c9c87c colored giovanni
37cb0a I think we'll be save here for a while... do you have full Hp?
be82ba Chris is a nice female name...
5a3674 merry horror
ad6ca4 OrangeTemplateGold
d921e3 Im honestly not sure. other than Olivia.
95be89 I can`t make music... Terrie, you got anything?
37cb0a Sans Sprite
be82ba Ujico is pretty memorable, and the name comes from a certain pink person that makes music.
1fd65d Code Battle Sprite Sheet - Fire
95be89 Terrie: I would forget that name in a second!
95be89 Memorable...
ad6ca4 OrangeTemplatePlat
b0f4ae final station oc
be82ba Every name i've named off is a female name. "Galisper"?
c8bb2d ok
37cb0a Follow me dude. *Runs to grillb's*
95be89 All I need is a original female yet understandable and also memorable first name...
c8bb2d welp im dust
be82ba Would you rather be a male or a female? I got a hell of a ton of names...
37cb0a Oh shoot
c9c87c pokeball in containment
95be89 Ok right now my full name is Evan W. Winguard [Even Ward. Winguard]
cdd866 heh....whatever got a name for the cute fluffy pink cat?
ad6ca4 PurpleTemplatePlat
c9c87c Giavonia
37cb0a And Serenity?
be82ba "Ujico'? (You-je-ko)
c8bb2d *sees papyrus* um zane
be82ba "High Sir Valhien Augustus the Fourth"? "Valenti"?