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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
3a5fd9 hi
4d3ae1 7 rings
f455be Oof. Like I said, I took control cause my friend told me to.
95be89 So who`s character will take this pricks spot? Since Stellar, jsut gave me the sheet since he didn`t really want it anyway...
efd013 Rope: Sis?Did you here my idea?
95be89 Right... I deleting T, and Shadow T, from the Chibi, list for room... Cause this told me, "fuck you"...
8fb2c2 thank you for making this
7639c2 Im bored.
f455be I don't. They make new ones from time to time.
71b616 o is this your OLD scrpit
90896a So you know why I'm asking. I was wondering if you could think of an SCP number that hasn't been used? It'd also be cool if it had the number 7 in it, since this character I'm working with is known to be particularly lucky.
f455be Short history of Traves, one day my friend stole Karma's sprite and trolled people. He kept popping in every once in a while. I took control of him today, cause he's a fun character to be, and that's why he changed his sprite.
f455be Yeah, I saw what you were doing. I'm Traves, or I was today. Yeah, good Idea. I did that myself. "SCP-Infinity" was my designation.
71b616 shut up kid0
7639c2 Really T?
8fb2c2 its fine i was just wondering
90896a Hey, T, you're... well, this may be a bad time, but you're something of an SCP expert, right? I mean, hell, you stole a bunch of SCPs just for fun, I'd guess that you're quite a fan.
efd013 Rope: Yeah, Oki now i wanna make Ro And Ins, Comic Papyrus,or ,uh what ever the name will be for this
0c429b Krunker Red Dot
f455be Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else who used an uncolored form of this to fight with us.
71b616 hahahahahaha is that you ro ok let me tell you one little little thing my name is dr0id if y0u wh@t T0 NOW Y0U G.I.R.L
db2e26 cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv here and bye
8fb2c2 i was only asking :(
00c8a2 Ins: Yup, fun times Bro.
7639c2 wut
f455be Screw off. We do what we want. This isn't your site, don't tell us how to use it.
efd013 Ro: Yeah bitch, That was a fusion of my sprite and old ins(male ins) so you are an idiot
f455be Actually, I only controlled him today, and had to keep consistency.
8fb2c2 why are you guys roleplaying in the gallery
7639c2 How about this.......(
f455be (Actually, my friend stole your sprite. He controlled him the first visit)
71b616 note:droid/H@H@H@H@H@H@
f455be Yeah, that's why I was taking up for him earlier. I kinda just wanted to be a Xbox 360 kid.
8fb2c2 Evolution of Flowey Colored
a81234 T your dead to stole my sprite? and claimed it was yours? ya NOW i hate you...
1ef71e Glitched Digi Sans, stage 9
165800 |X|Cross|X| SANS sprite
71b616 note:droid/ its me th£ 0ne h0w c0pyd y0uR plcture l f0und y0ur @c0unt R0
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!